Jordan Valley & Judean Desert

About Jordan Valley & Judean Desert

The Jordan Valley is a beautiful part of Israel that stretches from the Sea of Galilee in the north to the Dead Sea in the south.

It is the valley where the Jordan River flows through. It is about 105km long and reaches about 400m below sea level and it only receives rains from October to March.

The Old Testament refers to the Jordan Valley several times mentioning its fertile lands and miracles that took place in the valley.

When the Israelites crossed over the Jordan River into the Promised Land, they arrived in the Jordan Valley at Bethabara.

The Judean Desert has been an important place in Israel.

It was the main route to Jerusalem from the east. It is home to some of the world’s most spectacular monasteries in the cliff faces of the desert, to the ancient fortress of Masada, and to the Dead Sea, the lowest place on land in the world.

Many biblical stories took place in the Judean Desert.

David and his men fled to the desert to hide from Saul. King David once again fled with his army to the mountains to escape from his son Absalom. Jesus encountered Satan for forty days and nights in the Judaean Wilderness.

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  • Visit Beit Shean, once the leading city of the Decapolis and the only one west of the Jordan River.
  • Discover the stunning waterfalls and swim in warm waters at Gan HaShlosha National Park.
  • Stop at Beit ‘Abara, believed to be the spot where Joshua and the Israelites crossed the river to enter the Promised Land.
  • Explore the springs, waterfalls, flora and fauna at the En Gedi, the biggest oasis in Israel.
  • See the amazing ancient fortress of Masada, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Learn about the Essenes who devoted their lives to writing and preserving sacred texts at Qumran.
  • Float in the Dead Sea known for its therapeutic properties.
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