Church of the Annunciation

About Church of the Annunciation

“The angel went to her and said: Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you”. (Luke 1:28)

The Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth commemorates the traditional site where angel Gabriel told Mary that she was to miraculously conceive the Son of God. It is one of the largest Christian churches in the Middle East and an important place of pilgrimage for many.

History of the Church

Four earlier churches were built here to mark this site: the earliest being a 4th century Byzantine church, followed by a larger structure built by Constantine I, a Crusader church and a 18th century Franciscan church. The present 2-storey basilica, completed in 1969, was designed and built as a fortress, to contrast the new church with the remains of the earlier churches. Crowning the church is a towering dome created to represent an inverted lily with its petals, opening to the shrine below it.

The Church Today

The lower level of the basilica enshrines the sunken grotto believed to be the remains of Mary’s house. The upper level serves the local Roman Catholic parish church. The stained-glass windows are stunning. The church walls and the church yard are decorated with mosaics dedicated to Jesus and Mary that were donated by Catholic communities around the world. Each mosaic reflects the culture of the country it was made in and the way they envision Jesus and Mary. The gardens around the church are also beautiful.

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Interesting Facts
  • The plan of two churches, one above the other and interconnected, was conceived by the Italian architect Giovanni Muzio.
  • The architectural style for the church is called “Italian Brutalism” that is solid and blocky and uses unfinished concrete to highlight natural elements.
  • The church is about 45m long and 27m wide and its soaring dome is about 55m high.
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