Ben-Gurion’s Tomb National Park

About Ben-Gurion’s Tomb National Park

David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973) was born David Gruen in Plonsk, Poland. He became involved in Zionist politics and eventually left Poland for Palestine in 1906. He married Paula Munweis and they had three children. In 1948, Ben-Gurion delivered Israel’s declaration of independence and became its first prime minister.

Ben-Gurion’s Desert Home

In 1963, the couple retired to a humble wooden home in Kibbutz Sde Boker where they lived a simple lifestyle. Known as “Ben-Gurion’s Hut”, it is preserved in its original form. The furniture, bedroom, kitchen and his library packed with books are all left as they were when they lived there. It was here that Ben-Gurion wrote his memoir. The adjacent hut, which housed Ben-Gurion’s bodyguards, is now a museum about the development of the Negev and the impact Ben-Gurion has had on it.

Ben-Gurion’s Tomb National Park

Ben-Gurion’s final wish was to be buried in the Negev, a place he loved so dearly. The final resting place of David and Paula Ben-Gurion overlooks a breathtaking view of Tsin canyon and the Avdat highlands in the heart of the Negev.

Kibbutz Sde Boker

One of Ben-Gurion’s greatest wishes was to bring settlers to the Negev desert and make the desert bloom. A man of his word, after retiring, he relocated down south and became an active member of Kibbutz Sde Boker.

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Interesting Facts
  • David Ben-Gurion selected the burial site himself. It is on the edge of the campus of Ben-Gurion College which he helped found years ago.
  • Kibbutz Sde Boker was founded in 1952 by members of a unit that fought together during the War of Independence.
  • The heart of Ben-Gurion’s house is his study with a library of 5,000 books covering his fields of interest including Judaism, the Bible, history, the IDF security and more. The room also reflects his wide range of interests and the many languages he spoke.
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