Acropolis of Athens
Athens, Greece

About Acropolis of Athens

The Acropolis of Athens is the most striking and complete ancient Greek monumental complex still existing in our times. It is the place where philosophers questioned the universe, democracy and freedom of speech originated and where temples were built to worship the gods. It is an ancient citadel that was erected on a flat-topped rock with a commanding view of the city of Athens.


The site was once part of a powerful Mycenaean city. Legend recounts that in the year 510 BCE, an oracle from the priestess of Delphi decreed that the Acropolis should no longer be inhabited by man and should remain the province of gods.

Parthenon and Temple of Athena Nike

The Parthenon, dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, is the largest temple on the Acropolis. It was later converted into a church under the Byzantine times and then a mosque during the Ottoman rule.  The Temple of Athena Nike is the smallest temple located at a spot, highly vulnerable to attack but also well placed for defence in ancient times, and appropriate for the worship of the goddess of victory.

Ancient Theatres

The Theatre of Dionysus, believed to be the first theatre ever constructed, was originally developed as a site for religious practices and festivals dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine and plays. The other better-preserved theatre, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, is the primary venue of the annual Athens Festival. In the original form, the Odeon had a cedar roof and a three-storey façade of arches.

Other Monuments

The Propylaea was the monumental entrance to the Acropolis. The Erectheion takes its name from Poseidon Erechtheus, the mythical king of Attica but it is the Temple of Athena Polias (guardian of the city) as well as the place of worship of other very ancient deities of Athens.

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Interesting Facts
  • In the 5th century BCE, the Athenians, empowered from their victory over the Persians, carried out a bold building program under the leadership of Perikles on the Acropolis. It is said that an existing structure was destroyed to build the Acropolis in its place. It took two years to build a detailed plan for the Acropolis.
  • Sitting on this fortified hill are the remains of several important monuments that were developed by an exceptional group of architects and sculptors.
  • The Acropolis is a cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site that was inscribed in 1987 for its cultural value and significance.
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