What Our Customers Say

Do take some time and read some of the wonderful testimonies that our customers have shared with us.

If you have a testimony, we would love you to share it with us so others can be encouraged and blessed. We also welcome any suggestions and feedback you have that will help us improve our services we provide to you. Please send your testimony or feedback to info@omegatours.com.sg

It was a very enriching trip although very tight schedule. Omega Tours was very helpful and gave us a thorough pre-trip briefing.
Keng Ngak visited Israel in June 2018
Divine trip where we encountered God’s presence!
Ethel visited Israel & Jordan in March 2018
Our guide and group leader was knowledgeable, helpful, plan for the group well. Equally commendable is the organized tour, itinerary booklet prepared was very helpful and clearly explained. No complaints and will not hesitate to join the next tour.
Jasmine visited Israel in March 2018
The staff at Omega Tours were very organized and kind to guide us through the entire program for the trip, especially for someone like me who hasn’t been to Israel before.
Felicia visited Israel & Jordan in March 2018
I was having a very bad spinal spasm just before my trip and was healed on my third day of stepping on the Holy Land.
Jessie visited Israel in March 2018
I felt so blessed that the Lord gave me the best “Omega” for this trip. Since beginning everything was perfect, until now I still cannot believe that this trip still alive in my heart and mind! We have experienced a deep Holy Spirit and got new family member in Christ. I knew that Jesus works extraordinarily in Omega. We really appreciate what you have done for us, Omega. Our guide is perfect and such as blessing for us! Her knowledge makes it easy for us to understand and we feel the Bible alive in us. And her discipline makes us never miss schedule.
Rista visited Israel in March 2018
Our tour guide is excellent, combining humour and great storytelling skills with his encyclopaedic knowledge of so much Israeli history. Awesome! Trip experience from start to finish is so well planned. Helpful advice and in-depth details is useful, especially for first-timers.
Michael visited Israel in March 2018
Visiting Israel was a dream come true for me. Our guide was wonderful, informative, and I would say ‘the best’. Omega Tours had a wonderful team, who worked hard to keep everything running smoothly.
Claire visited Israel in March 2018
Our guide was very knowledgeable and spoke very good English. She knows the Bible well and could explain the stories and relate them to the places we visited very clearly. She is a top notch tour guide. Omega Tours was efficient and pleasant to deal with.
Karen visited Israel in March 2018
We set out on this trip with extremely high expectations as we were constantly reminded by friends who have made this trip, that this trip will be life changing. We did not know what to expect but certainly expected God to be revealed. What we did not expect was how much so we were able to experience life-changing so immensely that “life- changing” does not even fully describe how we felt during and at the end of the trip. We have such a better appreciation of the Bible now, and even bigger revelations of who Jesus is – something we have expected at the start of the trip but God overdelivers and it is not just an expectation met, it is truly an unveiling of Jesus and our eyes were opened.
Liping visited Israel & Jordan in March 2018
Felt the presence of the Lord throughout the trip and palpable presence at a few sites. Amazing! Having a messianic Jew as our tour guide was amazing. She was able to discuss and answer our questions and link to the Bible as well as share insights/perspective from her life as a Modern Day Jew. The tour was very well organized!
Lindy visited Israel in March 2018
Our guide was a very experienced and entertaining tour guide. She would regularly share with us tidbits from the Bible regarding the place itself, making the Bible come alive. Great tour agency. Everything was smooth and as planned.
Weiyi visited Israel in January 2018
This trip was truly a favoured trip for me and my husband. This being our first trip to Israel, we were really excited and anticipating for many great experiences. Firstly, I must say that we were blessed with a great tour group leader, guide, and the everyone in the group was awesome and beautiful people! Second, I thank God for protecting my health throughout the trip. I was in my best fit and health to enjoy the trip. Third, we got to see “bonus” things that people who have been to Israel before did not get to see, such as experiencing quite a number of animal sightings at the various places we went which was quite special for us to relate to the Bible too. Omega Tours is efficient, well organised and coordination was smooth.
Joy visited Israel in March 2018
This Israel trip bolstered my walk with the Lord as I learnt how to seek out His still small voice, by settling my heart. Israel is politically unstable yet the presence of God is undeniably there. I want to channel this stillness and continue to pursue the Lord in greater measure as I return to Singapore and my daily responsibilities.
Marcus visited Israel in April 2017
Our Lord truly far exceeds my expectations of the trip. Other than overwhelming me with His love at many sites we visited, He has somehow blessed my husband and I with very valuable connections – both for outreach and business. Above all, He sent an Israeli lady who befriended me at the entrance to Southern Steps; and she has been teaching me Hebrew through Bible study (one verse a day) over whatsapp since we are back! I am in awe still!! Our guide was very knowledgeable and serious with guiding. Service provided by Omega was just wow! Despite the huge number of signups, everything went like clockwork!
Puay Puay visited Israel in March 2018
The Lord’s Presence was with us throughout the trip and felt strongly at a few sites. He ministered and filled our cups to overflowing. Spiritually well fed and full of joy and peace. Our guide had very good knowledge of Israel history, geography and even spiritual insights.
Horace visited Israel in January 2018
Good job Omega Tours! Bringing 182 people out to the land is no easy feat…
Hui Wen visited Israel in April 2017
This trip has deeply touched my heart, especially during worship session at the various sites we visited.
Helen visited Israel in March 2017
The whole place is like a Bible theme park. My favourite spot is the Garden Tomb where the Lord was buried and has risen victoriously for us!
Boyi visited Israel in December 2016
I think this trip really strengthens my faith and relationship with God as I get to know more things about Him and learn more things in the Holy Land. After this blessed trip, I can relate to things written in the Bible as I had been there before. Thank God for this amazing chance!
Ming Zhan visited Israel in December 2016
Surprised to know that the topography of Israel is very unique. Glad that the group can visit many places mentioned in the Old and New Testament. The program is well spaced out and we had enough rest. Every procedure from booking of tour to the return trip to Singapore was well organised.
Benjamin visited Israel in March 2017
It was an eye opener and enriching trip. God is so awesome even though we did encounter some raining moments! The whole trip was very relaxing. Thanks Omega for the great arrangements.
Connie visited Israel in December 2016
I am awed by many beautiful places in Israel especially Sea of Galilee where we literally experience the Bible coming alive with still water followed by a storm and becoming still again. I was touched and felt HIS presence at Mount Arbel, believed to be where Jesus fed the 5000 as well as Via Dolorosa where He was judged and where the Roman soldiers played the Game of the Kings on Him. I heard we had the most rainfall during our trip but our spirits were not dampened by the rain. Instead, we rejoiced as we saw more than 7 rainbows from the time we stepped down in Israel… so awesome!! Omega Tours is well organised and prepared the tour itinerary very well. We were given sufficient materials and were well prepared for the trip.
Sue Sue visited Israel in December 2016
Jesus Christ is risen and His faithfulness is touching me so real every breathe I took. Thank you Omega for a fantastic experience. This is a memorable trip for me.
Shevonne visited Israel in March 2017
The staff are meticulous in their planning of covering every detail to ensure that nothing goes wrong. I am impressed by their commitment and dedication to their work.
Simon visited Israel in December 2016
This is the best tour I’ve had. During the trip, I was moved to tears by the amazing creation of my Abba Father. I take away from this awesome trip, the love Jesus has for me. Jesus went through His earthly journey to the cross so that I can enjoy all the good things in my life – my job, my family, health, wealth, and – all that I often take for granted back home. I feel so blessed throughout the trip that I will cherish more in His presence. Most of all, our pastors’ teachings in New Creation that come alive! Praise God! Amen.
Soo Keow
The tour was really well conducted. The Bible leader is friendly and approachable. Our tour guide is really a blessing from God! Very fantastic experience and hope that my future travel would be with these same people again!
Israel is really awesome. How can I don’t come to His promised land?
I really thank God for blessing me this trip. Our tour guide taught me a lot of things. In particular, I learned from him the very first day Jesus is our Comforter. Comforter heals us by speaking. I am really blessed by this revelation from beginning of the tour and continue the whole tour with the love of God.
I would like to highlight that our tour guide is really knowledgeable in both historical and geographical areas of the country. Also he shares passionately about Bible parables. The trip was greatly enhanced by his commitment towards his work.
Everything was pretty much perfect.
Our tour guides shared information and history with us that was unique and explained in a way that was engaging. They took us to relevant places, eg actual spot the Beatitudes were likely to have occurred rather than a church and Shepherd’s Field rather than Palestine-occupied Bethlehem. It was a fantastic tour. The way the Bible was brought to life is something I’ll take away with me.
Reading the Bible would never be the same again – visiting Israel has brought to life the books of the Bible – Jerusalem, Mt of Olives, Mt of Beatitudes etc. Keep up the great work Omega!
I received the gift of speaking in tongue in the Upper Room
I have been blessed just to be here and I am just refreshed and ecstatic to be here.
Kern Hoh
I enjoyed very much. Thank you so much. It is awesome experience in Israel! For 3 months I suffered tremendous pain in the sole of my left foot and could not walk. But in this eight days I have no pain at all. I lost my sentimental ring in the plane. I only realized it at Israel check counter. I got my ring in 20 minutes. Thank you Jesus.
It took a while to break ice – but once that happened – it is great to hear personal testimonies of conversion. My prayer for my sister-in-law to manifest Holy Spirit infilling in tongues happened in the ‘Upper Room’ – also my niece. Hallelujah! Praise God. Our tour guides were good in encouraging and teaching us.
It is an eye opener for me to see how blessed we are. And thank you, Tim and Iris, for showing me how much Jesus loves us. God bless.
I had a fall and hurt my finger on the left hand, so much so that I could not carry and hold things which I really need the hand to carry and hold things as I am traveling alone. But, after the prayer, I am healed on the next day and able to hold and carry thing.
Kim Hong
Better understand what our dearest precious Lord Jesus Christ has gone through all for us. Touched by His awesome love for us and His presence in us.
This tour has made the word of God alive. “My ears had heard of you, now my eyes have seen you.”
Though not sure if I should go or what to expect in this trip, I was indeed not short-changed. Not only the love of God towards me but the sheer events of the place point to a big and awesome God. Overwhelmed and the spirit man within bear witness – could not describe in mere words.
Generally I am very glad, joyful to have visited Israel and the tour was conducted. Enjoyed the worship and reading the Word at various sites.
Received fresh insights on Jesus. Bible came alive. Our daughter was baptized in the Holy Spirit
Better understanding and revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Life is being transformed from glory to glory. Thank you very much for organizing the Israel trip. Looking forward to more in the future.
Cheng Guan
Having a Messianic Jew as a tour guide is a blessing. He is able to share the Word and revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ openly and it really benefits us a lot. Before the trip, I had asked the Lord to let me experience new things and revelation during the tour. As I had previously been to Israel the year before, the itinerary was almost the same. However, our God is faithful; He has blessed me with a good tour group leader and tour guide, that I was able to have a total new experience as compared to the previous trip. I was able to visit every site from a different perspective and I have really been blessed by the off the track location cum sharing which our tour guide has provided. Praise the Lord for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.
The tour is an eye opener of enrichment of bible history
My Abba God is so good. He crowns me with His loving kindness and tender mercies. The gospel became alive for me. My God is so great, so strong, so mighty. There’s nothing He can’t do! He’s my strength, my hope, my hero in me. God bless Israel.
The restaurant where they served lamb kebab were excellent and also the restaurant in Tiberias where St Peter Fish was served. Both tour guides were excellent in their knowledge of Israel history and culture. They are very friendly and warm. The best trip our family have enjoyed! My wife was feeling giddy during the trip. Our tour leaders and their wives came to our hotel room to pray and have Holy Communion with us. The following day, she was healed completely! Praise God for His favor and the love of my leaders.
Lawrence and Rene
Bible came alive for me and felt very blessed to have a great time in Israel and great weather throughout
The pace is good. Since this is my 2nd trip, I actually anticipated to be bored by those places which I have traveled in 2002, however, praise the Lord! New revelations and insights are obtained at those repeated sites! Again, the love of our Lord Jesus envelopes us throughout the trip!
My purpose of this trip is to be away from the busiest time and spend more time to focus on God. Initially I just thought it’s a tour, but as the trip goes on, I start to be attentive to tour guide preaching and his revelation of Jesus and his appreciation of the Bible. I began to learn to let go of things that I hold on to so tightly and give it to God. Slowly things began to turn out well even without me involved. Praise God! I learned to concentrate and focus on God more and not be distracted by things around you. This trip had indeed given me a new boost in strength to learn and trust the Lord in everything. And to have a new direction and perspective in life.