Jordan Explorer

Only have a week for your next vacation? How about spending a week somewhere you have never been and never thought of? Jordan! You can still squeeze in many of Jordan’s hot spots without feeling rushed.

So why Jordan?

Jordan offers a glimpse of everything: Petra’s treasury, Jerash and its ancient Roman ruins, the Bedouin heritage at Wadi Rum, the wildlife of Mujib Biosphere Reserve and the magnificent view of the Dead Sea.

Step back in time to the Roman Empire

The Decapolis was an alliance of ten cities. All but one were on the east side of the Jordan. Even Amman was once called Philadelphia and part of the Decapolis. Today, you can still trace history at the Citadel with its impressive Greek and Roman ruins. Jerash, dubbed the “Pompeii of the East”, is a large and fascinating archaeological site. Its ruins are said to be best-preserved Roman ruins outside of Italy. Roman-era cobblestones still bear the ruts of ancient chariot wheels. The impressive Hadrian’s Arch was built to honour the Roman Emperor Hadrian’s visit to the city in AD 129. Bordered by 160 iconic columns, you cannot miss the Forum (Oval Plaza).

Petra, more than just one building

The tombs and monuments of this ancient metropolis, carved deeply into the reddish cliffs, are like nothing else on earth. Petra was an ancient Nabatean city that was once an important crossroad between the Middle East with Europe and Asia. Today, being one of the “new seven wonders of the world”, Petra is a vast city that takes at least one full day to properly explore. You can see varying blends of Nabatean and Greco-Roman architectural styles in the city’s tombs. You must not miss the Treasury, being the most well-known, without venturing off the main path. Continue your walk to the Royal Tombs and Roman ruins. For those with enough energy, make the trek up to the massive Monastery for its splendour.

The Dead Sea, the lowest natural spa on Earth

You must experience the feeling of floating in the Dead Sea without any effort at all. Once you walk in, your body instantly bobs to the surface, leaving you free to lie back and relax. After your swim, slather yourself in Dead Sea mud, known for its restorative properties. Who knows, you may leave feeling ten years younger! Return to the hotel to enjoy a spa treatment and watch the sunset across the water.

Mujib Biosphere Reserve, the lowest nature reserve on Earth

Bordering the Dead Sea at 416m below sea level, the Mujib Biosphere Reserve surrounds a deep and majestic canyon that cuts through the rugged highlands and drains into the Dead Sea. Hike through the reserve and discover its rich biodiversity of over 300 species of plants, 10 species of carnivores, rare specious of mountain animals, numerous species of resident and migratory birds. See the rich vegetation in the wadi beds and look out for at least 9 species of birds of prey known to breed in the reserve.

Camp under the stars with Bedouins

Be transported to a completely different time and world! Wadi Rum, a stunning desert in southern Jordan! Discover this protected wilderness of towering cliffs and striking ochre dunes from a jeep. After seeing your first golden-red sunset you will never want to leave. By night, walk under the brilliant stars, hear Bedouins tell stories of their culture and stay in a traditional Bedouin camp in the desert.

Snorkel the vibrant reefs of the Red Sea

Dusty from the desert? Head for the gorgeous reefs and beaches of Aqaba, a resort city by the Red Sea. The Red Sea boasts some of the world’s finest scuba diving and snorkelling, a full range of water sports. Expect to find a wide range of marine life including more than a thousand species of fish and 200 species of coral. You may spot manta rays, sea turtles, and dolphins. Expect the water to be a little chilly since it is winter time.

Mount Nebo – View of the Promised Land

From Mount Nebo, you can take in the dazzling view Moses supposedly beheld so long ago. He saw the Promised Land – the vast ridges of the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. At the top of this hill sits a stone memorial to Moses and the newly restored Byzantine church, built by monks in the 3rd or 4th century AD.

Bethany Beyond The Jordan, the Baptism Site

The area is associated with a few Bible stories. Near here, it is believed that Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan River to the Promised Land after the waters miraculously stopped flowing. Here, Elijah was believed to be taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire. Jesus came here to be baptised by John the Baptist. Here was where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

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