Grace 2016 TBN Israel Tour With Pastor Joseph Prince

Praise the Lord for a wonderful time in Israel over the past 2 weeks! About 1300 participants from all over the world came to Israel for Grace 2016 TBN Israel Tour with Pastor Joseph Prince.

There were 3 live events with Pastor Joseph Prince where he shared the gospel of grace.

24 February 2016 – 1st event at Southern Steps, Jerusalem

Southern Steps is the flight of stairs that led to the main entrances of the Temple Mount. It is certain that Jesus had to climb these steps to enter the Temple. This is also probably the place where the 3,000 were baptised when they were saved on Pentecost.

It was actually raining in Jerusalem a few days before the event, but look at the clear blue sky! How faithful is our Lord Jesus that He knows the desires of our hearts!

Pointing to the one that deserves all the praise and worship.

John 1:17 (NIV) – “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

26 February 2016 – 2nd event at Tzemach Beach by the Sea of Galilee, Tiberias

Here, at the Sea of Galilee was where Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea, taught from Peter’s boat, and walked on water. It is also the lowest freshwater lake in the world!

Matt & Laurie Crouch welcoming the crowd! We are thankful for the both of them and the TBN team for organizing this event where we get to listen to the gospel of grace by the Sea of Galilee.

Here, Pastor Joseph Prince shared the secret of John and that is to lean on Jesus’s love for us and not to depend on our love for Him.

New Creation Worship led the people into praise & worship, singing songs about the Lord’s love and grace for us.

There is freedom in the house of God for He has turned our mourning into dancing!

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!” Psalm 30:11-12 (NLT)

28 February 2016 – 3rd event at Caesarea Maritima, Caesarea

Caesarea Maritima is where Peter preached the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ to Cornelius’ household, placing them among the earliest Gentile believers of the New Covenant. This paved the way for Christianity to spread to all nations.

Welcoming the participants from all over the world!

Overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the beautiful sunset!

At the last session of Grace 2016 TBN Israel Tour, Pastor Joseph Prince shared about the high priest’s garment.

To catch these events, TBN will be broadcasting them at the following timings (Pacific Time):

Session 1 – Feb 28, 7 pm PT

Session 2 – Mar 13, 7 pm PT

Session 3 – Mar 20, 7 pm PT

For those who have missed session 1, you may catch the replay at iTBN archives –

For more information on our destinations, click on the following: Israel | Jordan | Turkey | Greece