Consider a trip to Israel in 2020!

If you’re looking for the best destination to visit in 2020, we suggest Israel.

Israel is a country of immense natural beauty, amazing culture, countless historic and religious sites and unbeatable history. Israel is probably the only country in which you can visit tip to tip in less than a day. Driving from the Red Sea resort town of Eilat on the southernmost tip to Metula in the mountainous snow-capped Golan Heights in the north will only take you six hours. So even if you only have a day, come to Israel!

It is every believer’s dream to visit the Land of the Bible. For those who have visited Israel they would say that their trip was incredible in every sense of the word. There was something throughout the trip that touched them, personally and spiritually. Many would even say that they left a piece of themselves over there and they have full intentions of going back to Israel.

Here are the three main reasons why you should visit Israel.

1. The Bible will vividly come to life

You’ll never read the Bible the same after walking the paths of Jesus and trekking the land where Joshua battled, Elijah called down fire and David reigned. The land and people, sights, sounds and smells will forever influence you. These encounters will shape the way you understand and read the Bible.

Ayalon Valley
Valley of Elah

2. Israel has a diverse landscape

The north is green and lush with mountains overlooking vistas of valleys and fields and rivers and lakes. In the centre of the country, you have the modern high-rise buildings of Tel Aviv, contrasting with the ancient alleyways of the Old City in Jerusalem. The south offers the Negev’s natural resorts and parks. Right at Israel’s southernmost tip, there is Eilat, with its Red Sea oasis. From swamps to lakes, craters to mountains, Israel has literally got it all.

Northern Israel
Tel Aviv
Southern Israel

3. Because it has the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth

No trip to Israel is complete without covering yourself in mud and floating in the buoyant Dead Sea. The mud baths are also supposed to do wonders for your skin and are said to having healing powers.

Dead Sea
Dead Sea

So join us on an awesome trip to Israel at least once in your lifetime!

Click here for more information on our available tours.

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